Trainings & Workshops

Valuability trainings and workshops are a cost-effective way to help you make the most of your organization’s existing resources and employee creativity. Our workshops provide a comprehensive overview of concepts and tools you can use immediately to increase the value of your products and services to the communities you serve.

Led by Valuability’s founder Dave Tomasky, you will have the opportunity to network with local professionals and gain insight on unique ways to increase customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and improve employee engagement.  Workshops or custom trainings can be provided at the location of your choice.

For questions and rates call us at (518) 727-5563 or email us using the contact form at right.

Click a workshop title to learn more.
Big Data – To Count or Not to Count
Big Data is coming. In the meantime, use the data you already have to make better business decisions.

Complaints – The cloud with the GOLD lining
Make the most of your most precious customer interaction – Complaints!

MUDA Hunters
Seek out and eliminate activities that add little value and hinder your organization’s ability to meet its goals.

Survey Says! – Creating Effective Surveys
Help your customers tell you what you need to hear through surveys and other simple data collection tools.

Time to Make the Customers
Implement a classic 7-step system to create satisfied customers from scratch.